Stanford GSB Social Media
Between 2019 and 2020 I assisted in re-vamping Stanford GSB’s social media presence by rethinking the way stories are told across their platforms.
Weekly Insights Instagram Story
Stanford GSB’s “Insights” are their flagship weekly Instagram story, highlighting timely articles, podcast episodes, and videos created for their digital audience.
During my time at Stanford I assisted in re-thinking how these stories are presented, and created a new and flexible system for bringing these stories to the GSB audience.
Role: Design Lead
Acting with Power Instagram Story
A short instagram story exploring common misconceptions around the word ‘power,’ and how we can all embrace our inner power.
Role: Design Lead, Illustration
Working From Home Instagram Story
A short story with tips on how to work from home effectively.
Role: Design Lead, Illustration
Searching for a Job During Uncertain Times Instagram Story
A story highlighting insights from Stanford GSB alumni on how to best search for a job during uncertain times.
Role: Design Lead
Crisis Communication Instagram Story
Stanford GSB lecturer David Demarest talks about how to communicate effectively during a crisis
Role: Design Lead